Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Away We Go!

Many of you know, or are just now finding out,  Tiffany and I, on September 2nd, will be hitting the road in this:

This is Francisco the Ford E-150.

Our tentative plan is this:

OKC (Family Reunion) ---> Santa Fe ---> Sedona ---> Flagstaff ---> Grand Canyon ---> Las Vegas ---> LA ---> Death Valley ---> Yosemite ---> San Francisco ---> Redding ---> Redwoods ---> Portland  ---> Seattle ---> Vancouver  ---> ?

While we hope this trip is epic for us, I can't promise the trip or this blog will be epic for you.  BUT, if you have an interest in following our travels, we plan on posting videos and pictures here.

Also, if you have any kind of connection that we might like to know about in these places, or along the way, let us know!  We don't have much of an agenda, but do hope for divine appointments and places to shower . . .